
♬ 憧れの背中

いつか君に 追いつきたい

その背中 消えたら
グランドに 倒れて

やっと君を 追い越しても

その背中 褪せない
差し出した その手を

風に戦いでる プラタナスの影
今はもう 遠い街 同じ空

託された夢は 果たせず
もしも君が 見ていたなら

僕の背を 目指して
走り出した 誰かが

    • 148#2017-04e:憧れの背中







  • 白(雪)
  • 緑(新芽)
  • 赤(桃の花)





 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
import swing._
object App15Window extends MainFrame {
  val version =          App15Window
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.02 J"
  // ----------------------------------------
  title = "15 puzzle"
  contents = new App15View(new Dimension(200,200))

// ----------------------------------------
class App15View(size: Dimension) extends FlowPanel {
  preferredSize = size
  new Publisher {
    import swing.event.MouseClicked
    reactions += {
      case MouseClicked(_,point,_,_,_) => update(point)

  import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
  val tiles = ArrayBuffer.empty[Tile]
  0 to 14 foreach { i => tiles += Tile(i%4, i/4, i+1) }
  val nullTile = NullTile(3,3)
  tiles += nullTile

  // ----------------------------------------
  import java.awt.Point
  def update(point: Point) =
    detect(point) match {
    case Some(tile: Tile) => move(tile); repaint
    case None =>
  def detect(point: Point) = {
    tiles find { _.contains(point) } match {
    case Some(tile) =>
      if (tile.isInContactWith(nullTile)) Some(tile) else None
    case None =>
  override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D) =
    tiles foreach { _.paint(g) }

  def shuffle(count: Int) {
    val random = new scala.util.Random()
    0 to count foreach { e => move(tiles(random.nextInt(15))) }
  def move(tile: Tile) = tile.swap(nullTile)


 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
 * ----------------------------------------
$ scalac -encoding "SJIS" -d bin src/{Apple,AppWindow,App15Window,Shape,Game}.scala
$ date; scala -cp bin cherry.pie.application
 * ----------------------------------------
2013年 10月27日 日曜日 12時42分32秒 JST
cherry.pie.application$: #1.0.03
cherry.pie.appWindow$: #1.0.03
cherry.pie.Shape$: #1.0.03
cherry.pie.Game$: #1.0.03
(58,14) -> (3,0)
(43,40) -> (2,3)
(29,66) -> (1,6)
(15,96) -> (0,9)
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
import swing._
object application extends SimpleSwingApplication {
  val version =          application
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.03"
  // ----------------------------------------
  def top = appWindow
  // ----------------------------------------
  App15Window.visible = true


 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
import swing._
object appWindow extends MainFrame {
  val version =          appWindow
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.03"
  // ----------------------------------------
  title = "Honeycomb"
  contents = new View(new Dimension(270,242))

// ----------------------------------------
class View(size: Dimension) extends FlowPanel {
  preferredSize = size
  new Publisher {
    import swing.event.MouseClicked
    reactions += {
      case MouseClicked(_,p,_,_,_) => update(p)

  // ----------------------------------------
  val tiles = createTiles

  def createTiles = {
    import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
    val res = ArrayBuffer.empty[Honeycomb]
    3 to 13 by 2 foreach { e =>
      res += Honeycomb(e,0)
      res += Honeycomb(e,24)
    2 to 14 by 2 foreach { e =>
      res += Honeycomb(e,3)
      res += Honeycomb(e,21)
    1 to 15 by 2 foreach { e =>
      res += Honeycomb(e,6)
      res += Honeycomb(e,12)
      res += Honeycomb(e,18)
    0 to 16 by 2 foreach { e =>
      res += Honeycomb(e,9)
      res += Honeycomb(e,15)

  // ----------------------------------------
  import java.awt.Point
  def update(point: Point) = {
;print("(%d,%d)" format (point.x, point.y))
    tiles find { _.contains(point) } match {
    case Some(tile) =>
;print(" -> "+tile)
    case None =>

  // ----------------------------------------
  override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D) =
    tiles foreach { _.paint(g) }


 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
object Game {
  val version =          Game
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.03"

// ----------------------------------------
import java.awt._
object NullTile {
  def apply(x0: Int, y0: Int) = new Tile(x0, y0, 0) {
    override def paint(g: Graphics2D) =
      Rectangle(x*width, y*height, width, height)
        .paint(g, Color.lightGray)
object Tile {
  def apply(x: Int, y: Int, n: Int) = new Tile(x, y, n)
class Tile(var x0: Int, var y0: Int, n: Int) {
  def x = x0
  def x_=(x: Int) { x0 = x }
  def y = y0
  def y_=(y: Int) { y0 = y }
  override def toString = "(%d,%d)%d" format (x,y,n)

  val (width, height) = (50, 50)
  val (px, py) = (x*width, y*height)
  val rect = Rectangle(px, py, width, height)
  val (dx, dy) = (4, 15)
  val symb = Symbol(n+"", px+dx, py+dy)

  def paint(g: Graphics2D) = {
  def contains(p: Point) = rect.contains(p)

  def isInContactWith(that: Tile) = {
    val a = x - that.x
    val b = y - that.y
    a*a + b*b == 1
  def swap(that: Tile) = {
    val (this_x, this_y) = (x, y)
    this.move(that.x, that.y)
    that.move(this_x, this_y)
  def move(x: Int, y: Int) {
    this.x = x; this.y = y
    val (px, py) = (x*width, y*height)
    rect.move(px, py)
    symb.move(px+dx, py+dy)

// ----------------------------------------
object Honeycomb {
  def apply(x: Int, y: Int) = new Honeycomb(x, y)
class Honeycomb(x0: Int, y0: Int) {
  override def toString = "(%d,%d)" format (x0,y0)
  val hex = Hexagon(x0, y0)
  def contains(p: Point) = hex.contains(p)
  def paint(g: Graphics2D) = hex.paint(g, Color.green)


 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
object Shape {
  val version =          Shape
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.03"

// ----------------------------------------
import java.awt._
trait Shape {
  def paint(g: Graphics2D)
  def contains(p: Point): Boolean
  def move(x: Int, y: Int)

// ----------------------------------------
abstract class Geometry extends Shape {
  def paint(g: Graphics2D, fillColor: Color)
  def paint(g: Graphics2D): Unit = paint(g, defaultFillColor)
  def defaultFillColor = Color.white
  def drawColor = Color.black

// ----------------------------------------
object Hexagon {
  def apply(x: Int, y: Int) = new Hexagon(x, y)
class Hexagon(var x0: Int, var y0: Int) extends Geometry {
  import scala.collection.immutable.List
  var vertices = List( (1,0),(2,1),(2,3),(1,4),(0,3),(0,1) )
  val (dx,dy) = (7,4)
  val scale = 2

  def xPoints_(scale: Int) =
    points(scale) map { case (x,y) => x }
  def yPoints_(scale: Int) =
    points(scale) map { case (x,y) => y }
  def points(scale: Int) = {
    import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
    val buf = new ListBuffer[(Int,Int)]
    vertices foreach { case (x,y) =>
      val px = (x0+x)*dx*scale + x0
      val py = (y0+y)*dy*scale + y0 - y0/3
      buf += ( (px, py) )
  def paint(g: Graphics2D, fillColor: Color) {
    val xPoints = xPoints_(scale)
    val yPoints = yPoints_(scale)
    val nPoints = vertices.length
    g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, nPoints)
    g.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, nPoints)
  def contains(p: Point) = {
    val (x,y) = (1,2)
    val px = (x0+x)*dx*scale + x0
    val py = (y0+y)*dy*scale + y0 - y0/3
    val x1 = px - p.x 
    val y1 = py - p.y
    val xs = dx*scale
    x1*x1 + y1*y1 <= xs*xs
  def move(x: Int, y: Int) = {}

// ----------------------------------------
object Rectangle {
  def apply(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) =
    (new Rectangle)(x, y, width, height)
class Rectangle extends Geometry {
  var peer: java.awt.Rectangle = _
  def apply(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) = {
    peer = new java.awt.Rectangle(x, y, width, height); this
  def paint(g: Graphics2D, fillColor: Color) {
    val (x, y) = (peer.x, peer.y)
    val (width, height) = (peer.width, peer.height)
    g.fillRect(x, y, width, height)
    g.drawRect(x, y, width, height)
  def contains(p: Point) = peer.contains(p)
  def move(x: Int, y: Int) = peer.setLocation(x,y)

// ----------------------------------------
object Symbol {
  def apply(s: String, x: Int, y: Int) = new Symbol(s, x, y)
class Symbol(s: String, var x: Int, var y: Int)
  extends Geometry {
  def paint(g: Graphics2D, fillColor: Color) {
    g.drawString(s, x, y)
  def contains(p: Point) = false
  def move(x: Int, y: Int) = { this.x = x; this.y = y }

/* ----------------------------------------
src/Shape.scala:31: error: object List is not a value
  val vertices = List(3,4)
// ---------------------------------------- */

Java.use(better, Scala); S4(E3) 15パズル


Java.use(better, Scala); Season4(Episode1) 15パズル


ときに、res3 とは何でしょうか。そこで、型を確認すると、

scala> :type res3

その変数を束縛している対象は、ウインドー MainFrame だと分ります。res3 は、隠れたウインドーを参照するための、隠れた変数です。というのも、対話形式では、実行した結果を後で参照できるように、隠れた変数が順に(res0, res1, ...)用意されるからです。


隠れた変数 res3 は、ウインドーに束縛されます。それなら、res3 を介して値を設定すると、隠れたウインドーが見えるようになるはずです。そこで、

scala> res3.visible = true

変数 res3 を介して、ウインドーの属性 visible に値 true を設定すると、ウインドーが現れます。このときの値 true は、真を表わす論理値です。同様に、

scala> res3.title = "A"

変数 res3 を介して、ウインドーの属性 title に値 "A" を設定すると、それがウインドーのタイトルに表示されます。二重引用符で囲まれた "A" は、文字列を表わします。すると、タイトルが違うのでウインドーを区別できます。

scala> オブジェクト.属性 = 値



ときに、変数 res3 の値(型ではなく)は何でしょうか。変数 res3 を評価すると、その変数が束縛されているウインドーが得られます。そして、入力した変数を評価した結果として、得られたウインドーの情報が出力されます。このとき、

scala> res3
res4: scala.swing.MainFrame = scala.swing.Frame$$anon$1[frame2,0,22,128x37,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=A,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=HIDE_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,0,22,128x15,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=449,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]

変数 res3 を評価した結果を参照するために、また新たな変数 res4 が用意されます。res4 で始まる出力から、設定されたタイトル title=A を確認できます。このとき、2つの変数 res3 および res4 はどちらも、同じウインドーに束縛されます。それが事実なら、

scala> res4.title = "C"

変数 res3 に代えて、変数 res4 を介しても、タイトルを変更できるはずです。変数 res4 に代えて、変数 res3 を介して、その属性値を確認すると、

scala> res3.title
res5: String = C

文字列 "C" が得られます。ここでも、その結果を参照するために、また新たな変数 res5 が用意されます。このとき、単純な文字列と複雑なウインドーとの間に、本質的な違いはありません。どちらも一人前のオブジェクトです。

変数  res5    res0
型   String  scala.swing.MainFrame
値   C       scala.swing.Frame$$anon$1[frame0,...]

scala> オブジェクト.属性
変数: 型 = 値
変数 res5 の型は文字列 String で、その値は文字列 C です。また、2つの変数 res3 および res4 がどちらも、同じウインドーに束縛される事実は、

scala> res3 == res4
res6: Boolean = true

でも確認できます。ここでも、また新たな変数 res6 が用意され、その型は論理型 Boolean で、その値は真を表わす true だと分ります。文字列と同様に、true もリテラルのひとつで、すでに何度も登場しています。


Created: 2012/12/18|Last updated: 2013/12/10 16:13:34



 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
import swing._
object App15Window extends MainFrame {
  val version =          App15Window
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.02 J"
  // ----------------------------------------
  title = "15 puzzle"
  contents = new App15View(new Dimension(200,200))

// ----------------------------------------
class App15View(size: Dimension) extends FlowPanel {
  preferredSize = size
  new Publisher {
    import swing.event.MouseClicked
    reactions += {
      case MouseClicked(_,point,_,_,_) => update(point)

  import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
  val tiles = ArrayBuffer.empty[Tile]
  0 to 14 foreach { i => tiles += Tile(i%4, i/4, i+1) }
  val nullTile = NullTile(3,3)
  tiles += nullTile

  // ----------------------------------------
  import java.awt.Point
  def update(point: Point) =
    detect(point) match {
    case Some(tile: Tile) => move(tile); repaint
    case None =>
  def detect(point: Point) = {
    tiles find { _.contains(point) } match {
    case Some(tile) =>
      if (tile.isInContactWith(nullTile)) Some(tile) else None
    case None =>
  override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D) =
    tiles foreach { _.paint(g) }

  def shuffle(count: Int) {
    val random = new scala.util.Random()
    0 to count foreach { e => move(tiles(random.nextInt(15))) }
  def move(tile: Tile) = tile.swap(nullTile)


 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
 * ----------------------------------------
$ scalac -encoding "SJIS" -d bin src/{Apple,AppWindow,App15Window,Shape,Game}.scala
$ date; scala -cp bin cherry.pie.application
 * ----------------------------------------
2013年 11月13日 水曜日 17時58分00秒 JST
cherry.pie.application$: #1.0.03
cherry.pie.appWindow$: #1.0.03
cherry.pie.Shape$: #1.0.03
cherry.pie.Game$: #1.0.03
(16,16) -> (0,0)
(45,16) -> (2,0)
(74,17) -> (4,0)
(31,41) -> (1,3)
(45,68) -> (2,6)
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
import swing._
object <span style="color: #ff5252">application</span> extends SimpleSwingApplication {
  val version =          application
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.03"
  // ----------------------------------------
  def top = appWindow
  // ----------------------------------------
  App15Window.visible = true


 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
import swing._
object appWindow extends MainFrame {
  val version =          appWindow
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.03"
  // ----------------------------------------
  title = "Honeycomb"
  contents = new View(new Dimension(200,200))

// ----------------------------------------
class View(size: Dimension) extends FlowPanel {
  preferredSize = size
  new Publisher {
    import swing.event.MouseClicked
    reactions += {
      case MouseClicked(_,p,_,_,_) => update(p)

  // ----------------------------------------
  import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
  val tiles = ArrayBuffer.empty[Honeycomb]
  tiles += Honeycomb(0,0)
  tiles += Honeycomb(2,0)
  tiles += Honeycomb(4,0)
  tiles += Honeycomb(1,3)
  tiles += Honeycomb(2,6)

  // ----------------------------------------
  import java.awt.Point
  def update(point: Point) {
;print("(%d,%d)" format (point.x, point.y))
    tiles find { _.contains(point) } match {
    case Some(tile) =>
;print(" -> "+tile)
    case None =>

  // ----------------------------------------
  override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D) =
    tiles foreach { _.paint(g) }


 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
object Game {
  val version =          Game
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.03"

// ----------------------------------------
import java.awt._
object NullTile {
  def apply(x0: Int, y0: Int) = new Tile(x0, y0, 0) {
    override def paint(g: Graphics2D) =
      Rectangle(x*width, y*height, width, height)
        .paint(g, Color.lightGray)
object Tile {
  def apply(x: Int, y: Int, n: Int) = new Tile(x, y, n)
class Tile(var x0: Int, var y0: Int, n: Int) {
  def x = x0
  def x_=(x: Int) { x0 = x }
  def y = y0
  def y_=(y: Int) { y0 = y }
  override def toString = "(%d,%d)%d" format (x,y,n)

  val (width, height) = (50, 50)
  val (px, py) = (x*width, y*height)
  val rect = Rectangle(px, py, width, height)
  val (dx, dy) = (4, 15)
  val symb = Symbol(n+"", px+dx, py+dy)

  def paint(g: Graphics2D) {
  def contains(p: Point) = rect.contains(p)
  def isInContactWith(that: Tile) = {
    val a = x - that.x
    val b = y - that.y
    a*a + b*b == 1
  def swap(that: Tile) = {
    val (this_x, this_y) = (x, y)
    this.move(that.x, that.y)
    that.move(this_x, this_y)
  def move(x: Int, y: Int) {
    this.x = x; this.y = y
    val (px, py) = (x*width, y*height)
    rect.move(px, py)
    symb.move(px+dx, py+dy)

// ----------------------------------------
object Honeycomb {
  def apply(x: Int, y: Int) = new Honeycomb(x, y)
class Honeycomb(x0: Int, y0: Int) {
  override def toString = "(%d,%d)" format (x0,y0)
  val peer = Hexagon(x0, y0)
  def contains(p: Point) = peer.contains(p)
  def paint(g: Graphics2D) = peer.paint(g, Color.green)


 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
object Shape {
  val version =          Shape
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.03"

// ----------------------------------------
import java.awt._
trait Shape {
  def paint(g: Graphics2D)
  def contains(p: Point): Boolean
  def move(x: Int, y: Int) {}

// ----------------------------------------
abstract class Geometry extends Shape {
  def paint(g: Graphics2D, fillColor: Color)
  def paint(g: Graphics2D): Unit = paint(g, defaultFillColor)
  def defaultFillColor = Color.white
  def defaultDrawColor = Color.black

// ----------------------------------------
object Hexagon {
  def apply(x: Int, y: Int) = new Hexagon(x, y)
class Hexagon(var x0: Int, var y0: Int) extends Geometry {
  val (dx,dy,scale) = (7,4,2)
  import scala.collection.immutable.List
  val vertices = List*1
  def nPoints = vertices.length

  val bounds = points(scale)
  def xPoints = bounds map { case (x,_) => x }
  def yPoints = bounds map { case (_,y) => y }
  def points(scale: Int) = {
    import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
    val buf = ListBuffer.empty[(Int,Int)]
    vertices foreach { case (x,y) =>
      val px = (x0+x)*dx*scale + x0
      val py = (y0+y)*dy*scale + y0 - y0/3
      buf += *2

  // ----------------------------------------
  def paint(g: Graphics2D, fillColor: Color) {
    g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, nPoints)
    g.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, nPoints)
  def contains(p: Point) = {
    val (x,y) = (1,2)
    val px = (x0+x)*dx*scale + x0
    val py = (y0+y)*dy*scale + y0 - y0/3
    val x1 = px - p.x 
    val y1 = py - p.y
    val xs = dx*scale
    x1*x1 + y1*y1 <= xs*xs

// ----------------------------------------
object Rectangle {
  def apply(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) =
    (new Rectangle)(x, y, width, height)
class Rectangle extends Geometry {
  var peer: java.awt.Rectangle = _
  def apply(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) = {
    peer = new java.awt.Rectangle(x, y, width, height); this
  def paint(g: Graphics2D, fillColor: Color) {
    val (x, y) = (peer.x, peer.y)
    val (width, height) = (peer.width, peer.height)
    g.fillRect(x, y, width, height)
    g.drawRect(x, y, width, height)
  def contains(p: Point) = peer.contains(p)
  override def move(x: Int, y: Int) = peer.setLocation(x,y)

// ----------------------------------------
object Symbol {
  def apply(s: String, x: Int, y: Int) = new Symbol(s, x, y)
class Symbol(s: String, var x: Int, var y: Int)
  extends Geometry {
  def paint(g: Graphics2D, fillColor: Color) {
    g.drawString(s, x, y)
  def contains(p: Point) = false
  override def move(x: Int, y: Int) = { this.x = x; this.y = y }

src/Shape.scala:31: error: object List is not a value
  val vertices = List(3,4)



*2:px, py




 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
import swing._
object App15Window extends MainFrame {
  val version =          App15Window
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.03"
  // ----------------------------------------
  title = "15 puzzle"
  contents = new App15View(new Dimension(200,200))

// ----------------------------------------
class App15View(size: Dimension) extends FlowPanel {
  preferredSize = size
  new Publisher {
    import swing.event.MouseClicked
    reactions += {
      case MouseClicked(_,point,_,_,_) => update(point)

  import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
  val tiles = ArrayBuffer.empty[Tile]
  0 to 14 foreach { i => tiles += Tile(i%4, i/4, i+1) }
  val nullTile = NullTile(3,3)
  tiles += nullTile

  // ----------------------------------------
  import java.awt.Point
  def update(point: Point) =
    detect(point) match {
    case Some(tile: Tile) => move(tile); repaint
    case None =>
  def detect(point: Point) = {
    tiles find { _.contains(point) } match {
    case Some(tile) =>
      if (tile.isInContactWith(nullTile)) Some(tile) else None
    case None =>
  override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D) =
    tiles foreach { _.paint(g) }

  def shuffle(count: Int) {
    val random = new scala.util.Random()
    0 to count foreach { e => move(tiles(random.nextInt(15))) }
  def move(tile: Tile) = tile.swap(nullTile)


 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
 * ----------------------------------------
$ scalac -encoding "SJIS" -d bin src/{Apple,AppWindow,App15Window,Shape,Game}.scala
$ date; scala -cp bin cherry.pie.application
 * ----------------------------------------
2013年 11月 1日 金曜日 00時10分03秒 JST
cherry.pie.application$: #1.0.03
cherry.pie.appWindow$: #1.0.03
cherry.pie.Shape$: #1.0.03
cherry.pie.Game$: #1.0.03
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
import swing._
object <span style="color: #ff5252">application</span> extends SimpleSwingApplication {
  val version =          application
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.03"
  // ----------------------------------------
  def top = appWindow
  // ----------------------------------------
  App15Window.visible = true


 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
import swing._
object appWindow extends MainFrame {
  val version =          appWindow
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.03"
  // ----------------------------------------
  title = "Honeycomb"
  contents = new View(new Dimension(250,250))

// ----------------------------------------
class View(size: Dimension) extends FlowPanel {
  preferredSize = size
  new Publisher {
    import swing.event.MouseClicked
    reactions += {
      case MouseClicked(_,p,_,_,_) => update(p)

  // ----------------------------------------
  val nullTile = NullTile(3,3)

  import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
  val tiles = ArrayBuffer.empty[Tile]
  0 to 14 foreach { i => tiles += Tile(i%4, i/4, i+1) }
  tiles += nullTile

  // ----------------------------------------
  import java.awt.Point
  def update(point: Point) = detect(point) match {
    case Some(tile: Tile) => move(tile); repaint
    case None =>
  def detect(point: Point) = {
    tiles find { _.contains(point) } match {
    case Some(tile) =>
      if (tile.isInContactWith(nullTile)) Some(tile) else None
    case None =>
  def shuffle(count: Int) {
    val random = new scala.util.Random
    0 to count foreach { _ => move(tiles(random.nextInt(15))) }
  def move(tile: Tile) = tile.swap(nullTile)

  // ----------------------------------------
  override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D) =
    tiles foreach { _.paint(g) }


 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
object Game {
  val version =          Game
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.03"

// ----------------------------------------
import java.awt._
object NullTile {
  def apply(x0: Int, y0: Int) = new Tile(x0, y0, 0) {
    override def paint(g: Graphics2D) =
      Rectangle(x*width, y*height, width, height)
        .paint(g, Color.lightGray)
object Tile {
  def apply(x: Int, y: Int, n: Int) = new Tile(x, y, n)
class Tile(var x0: Int, var y0: Int, n: Int) {
  def x = x0
  def x_=(x: Int) { x0 = x }
  def y = y0
  def y_=(y: Int) { y0 = y }
  override def toString = "(%d,%d)%d" format (x,y,n)

  val (width, height) = (50, 50)
  val (px, py) = (x*width, y*height)
  val rect = Rectangle(px, py, width, height)
  val (dx, dy) = (4, 15)
  val symb = Symbol(n+"", px+dx, py+dy)

  def paint(g: Graphics2D) {
  def contains(p: Point) = rect.contains(p)
  def isInContactWith(that: Tile) = {
    val a = x - that.x
    val b = y - that.y
    a*a + b*b == 1
  def swap(that: Tile) = {
    val (this_x, this_y) = (x, y)
    this.move(that.x, that.y)
    that.move(this_x, this_y)
  def move(x: Int, y: Int) {
    this.x = x; this.y = y
    val (px, py) = (x*width, y*height)
    rect.move(px, py)
    symb.move(px+dx, py+dy)


 * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, KOTSUBU-chan and/or its affiliates.
 * Copyright (c) 1998, Atelier-AYA.
 * All rights reserved.
package cherry.pie

// ----------------------------------------
object Shape {
  val version =          Shape
    .getClass.getName+": #1.0.03,a"

// ----------------------------------------
import java.awt._
trait Shape {
  def paint(g: Graphics2D)
  def contains(p: Point): Boolean
  def move(x: Int, y: Int)

// ----------------------------------------
abstract class Geometry extends Shape {
  def paint(g: Graphics2D, fillColor: Color)
  def paint(g: Graphics2D): Unit = paint(g, defaultFillColor)
  def defaultFillColor = Color.white
  def defaultDrawColor = Color.black

// ----------------------------------------
object Rectangle {
  def apply(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) =
    (new Rectangle)(x, y, width, height)
class Rectangle extends Geometry {
  var peer: java.awt.Rectangle = _
  def apply(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) = {
    peer = new java.awt.Rectangle(x, y, width, height); this
  def paint(g: Graphics2D, fillColor: Color) {
    val (x, y) = (peer.x, peer.y)
    val (width, height) = (peer.width, peer.height)
    g.fillRect(x, y, width, height)
    g.drawRect(x, y, width, height)
  def contains(p: Point) = peer.contains(p)
  def move(x: Int, y: Int) = peer.setLocation(x,y)

// ----------------------------------------
object Symbol {
  def apply(s: String, x: Int, y: Int) = new Symbol(s, x, y)
class Symbol(s: String, var x: Int, var y: Int)
  extends Geometry {
  def paint(g: Graphics2D, fillColor: Color) {
    g.drawString(s, x, y)
  def contains(p: Point) = false
  def move(x: Int, y: Int) = { this.x = x; this.y = y }

Java.use(better, Scala); S4(E2) 15パズル


Java.use(better, Scala); Season4(Episode2) 15パズル 




scala> new swing.MainFrame { visible = true }
res0: scala.swing.MainFrame = scala.swing.Frame$$anon$1[frame0,0,22,128x37,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=HIDE_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,0,22,128x15,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=449,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]



ディスプレーの左上隅にウインドーが現れ、その情報がターミナルに出力されます。そこで、res0 で始まる出力から、その詳細を読み取ります。

まず、正式には scala.swing.MainFrame で、scala. の部分は省略可能と分ります。次に、128x37 から、ウインドーの寸法(幅x高さ)が分ります。そして、128x15 から、タイトルの部分を除いたウインドーの高さが 15(かつ、タイトルの高さが 22=37-15)と分ります。他の情報は、後述します。


scala> new swing.MainFrame
res1: scala.swing.MainFrame = scala.swing.Frame$$anon$1[frame1,0,22,0x0,invalid,hidden,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=HIDE_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,0,0,0x0,invalid,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=449,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]

ウインドーは表示されずに、res1: で始まる情報だけを出力します。ウインドーは寸法を持たない 0x0 なので、隠れて見えない hidden のが分ります。




サブコマンド :type


scala> new MainFrame
:8: error: not found: type MainFrame
       new MainFrame

 エラーメッセージを出力します。そこから原因を探ると、型 MainFrame を確認できないのが分ります。そこで、help にあったサブコマンド :type を利用して、その型を確認します。サブコマンドは、コロン「:」に続けて入力します。

scala> :type MainFrame
Failed to determine type.

やはり、型を決定できません。そこで、swing. を明記すると、 

scala> :type swing.MainFrame

今度は「型なし」です。そして、swing だけを確認すると、

scala> :type swing
package swing

swing は、パッケージだと分ります。サブコマンド :type を利用すると、有効な型の情報が得られます。が、その型が無効なら、それこそ「形無し」です。


import を利用すると、正式な名前を省略できるので便利です。たとえば、

scala> import swing.MainFrame
import swing.MainFrame

swing.MainFrame に代えて、これを省略した末尾の MainFrame だけで認識できます。実はこの swing.MainFrame も、scala.swing.MainFrame を省略したものです。すると、

scala> new MainFrame
res3: scala.swing.MainFrame = scala.swing.Frame$$anon$1[frame2,0,22,0x0,invalid,hidden,layout=java.awt.BorderLayout,title=,resizable,normal,defaultCloseOperation=HIDE_ON_CLOSE,rootPane=javax.swing.JRootPane[,0,0,0x0,invalid,layout=javax.swing.JRootPane$RootLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=449,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=],rootPaneCheckingEnabled=true]


Created: 2012/12/18Last updated: 2013/12/10 16:12:06